Ayurveda encourages you to know what Doshas dominate in your Body. Kapha for proper moisture balance, Pitta aids skin, and hormonal metabolism, and Vata, efficient circulation of blood and nutrients to the skin
Start your day by splashing water on your face. Include cleansing, exfoliation, repair, rejuvenation, protection, and moisturizing of your skin daily
Try a daily full-body Abhyanga or self-massage which pacifies Doshas, enhances glow, hydrates, nourishes, detoxifies, and rejuvenates the skin
This is inevitable for health, sleep deficits can cause inflammation, reduced immunity, puffy eyes, fine lines, impact skin aging, and reduce perceived attractiveness!
For ayurvedic cosmetology therapies like Abhyanga, Nasya, Udvartana, Garshana, Marma, Shirodhara, Swedana (herbal steaming) and cleansing therapies like Panchakarma, Get personalised services from an Ayurvedic practitioner.