Ayurvedic Approaches to Women’s Health: Menstruation to Menopause
BY ayurdhara|July 19, 2024
Women go through a sea of changes in their health journey, from their first period to menopause. Ayurveda, an ancient Indian healing system, provides a personalized approach to support women through these stages. Based on balance and harmony, Ayurveda focuses on the connection between body, mind, and spirit. Let us delve into Ayurvedic strategies for menstruation, fertility, pregnancy, and menopause to promote well-being and vitality.
The menstrual cycle is a hormonal rhythmic cycle and in Ayurveda, such cycles are considered as physiological positive signs of a woman’s health. According to Ayurvedic medicine, the menstrual cycle is governed by the Rajas (the quality of movement) and is associated with the doshas in distinct ways:
Vata Dosha: While menstruation Vata can disturb the balance in a woman’s body and become prominent. This element when not balanced can lead to problems such as; improperly timed menses, spasms, and swings in mood. To counter the effects of excessive Vata, Ayurveda advises consumers to take foods with hot and oily qualities and foods that are sweet, sour, and salty, foods that are warm and moist, ashwagandha and Shatavari being among the herbs used in easing the reproductive system and calming the nervous system.
Pitta Dosha: Pitta can indeed do things to the menstrual cycle to disturb heavy bleeding, irritability, or heat in the body. Avoid foods that increase Pitta such as spicy, fermented, and deep-fried foods, while foods that can cool Pitta include raw foods such as cucumbers, melons, and coconut water. Other features include; cooling the body hence tempers and helping control wayward behaviours as well as herbs like Brahmi and Neem among others.
Kapha Dosha: The symptoms of excess Kapha would include slow periods or PMS and feeling swell and tired. To balance out Kapha Ayurvedic consultants advise the consumption of foods and products that are considered to be light and refreshing, these include Ginger and Turmeric.
Pregnancy is an extraordinary state of change in a woman’s life and is complimented in Ayurveda by a part of pregnancy called garbhini paricharya. Ayurvedic treatment and management of pregnancy are centered on maintaining the health of the woman and the fetus in pregnancy free of complications.
Balancing Doshas: At this stage, the doshas change in a normal way and there is an increase in kapha dosha because of the developing fetus in the womb. According to Ayurveda, one should take a moderate amount of green fresh leafy vegetables, fruits, whole glutenous grains, proteins, etc. Specific types of teas which are red clover and raspberry leaf are known to help enhance pregnancy and labor.
Emotional Well-being: Pregnancy is a stage in a woman’s life that Ayurveda focuses on the psychological well-being of the mother. It is advisable to go for practices such as meditation, passive yoga, and self-oiling with warm oils to maintain inner peace. For treating excitability or panic, such herbs as Chamomile or Lavender are useful in treating patients.
Postpartum Care: It is important for the mother to recover fully from birth and is also the ideal time for the mother to bond with the newborn. It therefore entails dietary support, light exercise, and practices such as Snehana, where the mother’s body is anointed with oil, and Swedana, an exercise in which the mother undergoes steaming.
It is a critical part of each woman’s life, which can be quite stressful, representing a shift from childbearing and fertility years. Menopause is not considered a disease in Ayurveda but changes occur in the woman’s body and thus Ayurveda has some management and treatment models to cope with it.
Managing Pitta Imbalance: In menopause, there is a predominant increase in Pitta dosha and therefore hot flushed, impatient, and sleepless nights. One can soothe these symptoms with cooling foods, especially green leafy vegetables, and Shatavari and Licorice herbs.
Maintaining Balance: According to Ayurveda, proper diet and lifestyle along with the causes of menopause should be balanced. Practicing a healthy diet in terms of portions, regular sleep, and moderate physical activity helps the doshas level out. Stress can be well controlled through yoga and some special breathing exercises known as Pranayama.
Reconnecting with Self: It can also be a phase of self-reflection and transition because menopause is also a woman’s transition period. Keeping a journal, praying or meditating, touching soil all these actions are acknowledged by Ayurveda as the ones that can help develop spirituality.
Ayurvedic Remedies for Menstrual Issues :
Ayurveda proffers a wide array of remedies that are natural to make good several menstrual anomalies. One such remedy is the ginger and black pepper tea. Ginger is widely used as a pain killer because it reduces quantities of prostaglandins, hormone-like substances, which are responsible for uterine contractions, and hence cuts down fatigue during the menstrual cycle. Ginger, when combined with black pepper and honey, can make for a soothing herbal tea that can be taken to reduce menstrual pain and cramps, Ayurvedic Approaches to Women’s Health.
Cumin, Carrom, and Fenugreek Seeds:
These seeds have anti-inflammatory properties and can help in several ways to reduce menstrual cramps and pain. They can be used in the diet or be soaked in water and drunk before intake.
Yoga and Pranayama:
Gentle yoga asanas and pranayama shall also improve circulation to pelvic parts, and release endorphins that neutralize prostaglandins, thus providing relief from pain and cramps.
Abhyanga: Massage some sesame oil into your lower abdomen. The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties can help in reducing menstrual pain. Another remedy that is equally effective at home is the application of a hot water bottle over the abdominal area.
To sum up, Ayurveda is a treasure trove of knowledge and wisdom for women’s health, covering everything from menstruation to menopause. By embracing Ayurvedic practices, dietary advice, herbal remedies, and lifestyle adjustments, women can take care of their well-being and flourish at every stage of life. AyurdharA is the top choice in Dubai, offering result-oriented treatments and therapies with hundreds of satisfied patients. Experience the true essence of Ayurveda at AyurdharA Ayurvedic Center, where you’ll receive personalized consultations that explore your physical, mental, and emotional well-being to understand your unique energetic constitution. Indulge in the authentic Ayurvedic herbal medicated oil therapy and panchakarma therapies that we specialize in. Reserve your spot at AyurdharA now!
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