Cold Water vs. Hot Water: Which Is Better According to Ayurveda?
BY ayurdhara|April 5, 2024
As we all know that water, is the elixir of our life, and plays a vital role in maintaining our overall health. Are you buffering with your Inquisitive mind, whether to sip hot water in a hot mug or ice-cold water better to boost your health? Don’t worry, Today, we dive into the depths of Ayurveda to uncover whether cold or hot water reigns supreme for our health.
When to Have Cold Water:
Based on Ayurveda, it’s best to drink cold water in the summertime or when it’s really hot outside. Cold water can cool you down during the warm months. It’s also good to drink cold water when you eat food that’s heavy, greasy, or sweet. These kinds of food make your body warm, and cold water can help even that out.
Here are some kinds of food that are better with cold water:
- Foods that are fried
- Sweets
- Items made from milk
- Sweet fruits
cold water with these types of food, or after eating them, can make you feel cooler. It helps your body handle the warmth from the food. Cold water makes it easier for your body to deal with rich foods.
However, Ayurveda advises against drinking cold water during other times of the year, or in other situations. Cold water has certain properties that might not be good for your digestion or might cause other imbalances if it’s not the right time or place for it.
Cold Water Benefits
Drinking cold water has several health benefits according to Ayurvedic principles. Here are some of the main advantages of drinking cold water:
Aids digestion: Cold water can help stimulate digestive enzymes and improve digestion. The cold temperature contracts the walls of the stomach and stimulates the release of digestive juices. This helps break down food more efficiently.
Stimulates lymphatic system: The lymphatic system helps remove toxins and waste from the body. Cold water causes vasoconstriction, which puts pressure on lymphatic vessels. This helps circulate lymph fluid to filter out waste.
Purifies the blood: Cold water helps cool the blood and body temperature. This causes the blood vessels to contract, which allows increased oxygen circulation. The increased oxygenation helps purify and detoxify the blood. The cold also helps constrict blood vessels and decrease inflammation.
When to Have Hot Water
According to Ayurveda, hot or warm water is best during the winter and first thing in the morning. The warmth is good for starting up digestion and getting things moving in your stomach. Drinking hot water right after you wake up helps clean out your digestive system and prepares it for breakfast or any meal. It’s also a good idea to drink hot water when you’re eating stuff like crackers that are dry and hard to digest. The heat makes these kinds of foods softer and easier to break down. But, if you drink cold or icy water with these foods, it might make digestion harder. According to Ayurvedic experts, hot water is great if your digestion is strong. If you tend to have tummy troubles, so sticking to warm or room-temperature water might be better to avoid making things worse.
So, Ayurveda tells us to go for hot water in cold weather and when eating dry, light foods that need more effort to digest. Having some hot water first thing can kickstart your digestion. And, if your stomach is sensitive, warm water is usually a safer choice than very hot.
Hot Water Benefits:
Ayurveda classifies drinking hot water as one of the most health-benefiting actions.
Improves Circulation: When drinking hot water, your blood circulation is enhanced thusly it does throughout your body. The water of hot springs dilates the vessel walls which then increases the blood circulation. Increased blood flow helps oxygen and nutrients to reach cells more effectively. It is important to note that this phrase also promotes the ability to remove undesired matter and toxins. Persons suffering from cold hands and feet can achieve their goal as far as improving the circulation system is concerned, by drinking hot water.
Relieves Congestion: Ingesting steam, formed when hot water is breathed in, can be efficient in cleansing the nose of colds, allergies, or sinus infections. With the steam mucus in the nasal passages and throat can be dislodged, the way drainage occurs. Furthermore, the thermal activity. Through this experience, the digestive processes will be enhanced and the person will stop having constipation issues. This heat leads to increased peristalsis, which are the wavy muscle contractions that aid in the transportation of the digested food via the digestive tract. The liver’s and the kidneys functioning is enhanced by hot water while detoxification is stimulated. By this means, one gets rid of constipation and avoids stools being multiple and long in a way.
How to Strike the Balance
On the one hand, both cold and hot water have their benefits, but according to Ayurveda, one should find the perfect temperature that will suit the body’s constitution and needs
Considers your Dosha: According to Ayurveda, people are divided into three doshas named – Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. From observing your predominant dosha understand your best water temperature. For instance, if you have a Pitta constitution, you may want your water to be cool, whereas Vata and Kapha will benefit more from warm or hot water.
Time and circumstance: Ayurveda also acknowledges that the outcomes of various water temperatures depend upon the season, time of the day, and particular situations. By way of instance, in case to drink cold water during winter is not as useful as in summer.
Listen to your body: Attend to how your body reacts to different water temperatures. If you experience any mild troubles or digestive disorders, modify the temperature settings as well.
To wrap up, the right temperature for your water consumption, considering body type, season, and circumstances, must be calculated. Everybody has different needs when it comes to hot or cold water so you have to listen to your body. At AyurdharA, a reputed Ayurvedic Centre in Dubai is provided which includes Prakriti analysis, Ayurvedic therapies, Panchakarma therapies, Herbal beauty therapies, Skincare, and Postnatal care. Be assured that our centre values authentic traditional Ayurveda approaches that ensure wellness without unwanted side effects. Let AyurdharA kick-start your path to good health by booking an appointment now.
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